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Kindell Martinez

Kindell Martinez photo Kindell Martinez
  • Brown Belt - 2 Stripes

Kindell Martinez specializes in coaching kids. She has been working with kids since she was 16 years old with Title One. Kindell also worked with children with College Prep Programs during her four years at UNM while obtaining her bachelors degree.

Kindell encourages kids and women specifically to join Jiu Jitsu for self defense but also to gain confidence. Jiu Jitsu teaches you discipline, confidence, patience and self control. 

Kindell has faced many diversities in her life being homeless, abused and succeeding despite the obstacles. She hopes to help others face their challenges head on while putting God first and creating community through Jiu Jitsu.

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Thank you for your interest in Misfit Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note we are closed on Sundays. Have a blessed day and talk to you soon!